Chad Billingsley last 3 starts 4.00 ERA and 1.222 WHIP (last 5 is much worse)
Dodgers are 2-5 in Billingsleys last 7 starts as a favorite.
Dodgers are 2-5 in Billingsleys last 7 starts vs. National League West.
Dodgers are 2-6 in Billingsleys last 8 starts following a Quality Start in his last appearance.
Dodgers are 1-4 in Billingsleys last 5 starts vs. a team with a winning record.
Dodgers are 1-5 in Billingsleys last 6 starts.
Dodgers are 1-5 in Billingsleys last 6 starts on grass.
Dodgers are 1-7 in Billingsleys last 8 road starts with the total set at 7.0-8.5.
Dodgers are 0-5 in Billingsleys last 5 starts with the total set at 7.0-8.5.
Dodgers are 1-4 in Billingsleys last 5 starts vs. Giants.
Dodgers are 0-5 in Billingsleys last 5 road starts vs. Giants.
Billingsley has less innings pitched but with more hits, runs, earned runs, and walks against him than Zito who has pitched in the same.
Dodgers are third best in the league in times striking out with 7.3 per game.
Dodgers are second best in the league in giving up hits, allowing 7.9 per game.
Barry Zito last 3 starts 3.32 ERA and 1.053 WHIP
Giants are 6-1 in Zitos last 7 starts with 5 days of rest.
Giants are 4-1 in Zitos last 5 starts vs. National League West.
Giants are 7-2 in Zitos last 9 starts as a home underdog.
Giants are 1-4 in Zitos last 5 starts vs. Dodgers.
Giants are second best in K's per game with 6.9.
Giants allow the third least hits in the league at 8.0 per game.
I really think Zito and the Gianrts have the advantage here and i believe the line is off just because Billingsley is getting way too much love. I'm not buying it - Giants is the play.
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