Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sabathia on short rest?

New York Yankees manager Joe Girardi did not reveal if he would consider usingCC Sabathia, on three days rest if the team is forced into a one-game wild card playoff on Friday.
Pitching on short rest is nothing new for Sabathia, who thrived in that role for the Brewers in the 2008 playoffs. The southpaw also has a 2.72 ERA in four regular season starts on short rest.
In a perfect world, the Yankees would like to wrap up the AL East in the next day or two and avoid the winner-take-all contest altogether. But if the one-gamer is necessary, Girardi will likely choose between Phil Hughes on regular rest or Sabathia.
Andy Pettitte has already been announced as the starter if there's a one-game playoff for the division on Thursday.

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