Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Biogenesis employee Porter Fischer has struck a deal

According to TMZ, former Biogenesis employee Porter Fischer has struck a deal with Major League Baseball in which he will turn over all information he has and Major League Baseball will pay Fischer a “consultant” fee. Major League Baseball is apparently in the process of interviewing him.
Fischer, you may recall, recently described Major League Baseball as “the biggest scumbags on Earth”  in an interview with the Miami New Times. There he complained that baseball has using high-handed and hardball tactics in an effort to get Biogenesis information and claimed he was more or less screwed over by the league and by Anthony Bosch and that the whole mess has led to threats to his property and safety. Now things are different, apparently and he, Bosch and MLB are all on the same side.
As I noted in my followup to the Fisher business, this guy comes off as something less than a straightforward, reliable narrator. Maybe he has the goods on some players. Maybe he doesn’t. But based on what he’s said in that interview just two weeks ago, he’s either going to have to (a) testify that his fellow witness-against-the-players Anthony Bosch is an evil duplicitous person who can’t be trusted; or (b) admit that he himself lied in that interview and now, once he’s being paid by MLB, he’s being truthful.
So good luck with that.

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